Thursday, February 3, 2011

21st Century Education

During your life at school your teacher and parents are prepairing you for the real world. When you graduate from high school you take the next step. Post Secondary school. Will you be ready? You may think that all the things you learn in school are so pointless. Am I right? I know i say that all the time but in reality everything you do is to help you get to that next step in your life. We develop so many things over our life. My school has definitely helped me with English, math, socials, science, and all the extra activities including wood, metal, cafeteria, and so many more. The perfect school for me would be where everyone gets along. There is no drama, and no making fun of people. Pretty much just no bullying. Everyone may think they are better then everyone but everyone is the same. Sports going on all the time. A ice hockey team. Male and Female teams. Having a Lit class for every grade cause its the best class in the world. If you have ever seen the movie Accepted you see that they make their own classes. In my perfect school i would have the mandatory subjects and then get everyone to pick one thing they want to learn and write it on a board and we would make a class for that subject. That is how my perfect school would look like. Next year I plan on going to the Okanagan Collage here for the new Kiniseology program for two years and maybe go on to become a PE teacher.

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