Monday, June 6, 2011

A Strand of Hair.

Waving in the wind like waves on the ocean. Blacker then black could ever be. A strand of hair is what it is. A long pick like thing is run through me untying me from my friend. Sitting on top of the world. For everyone to see. I get in peoples way of seeing and sometimes hearing. When the winter time hits I feel so cold I stand as tall as I can until a warm fuzzy coat is put on me. I smile and relax again. In the summer time I sweat from all the heat around me. When cool water is poured over me once again I smile and breathe a breath of relief. When the winter has come to an end I know that it will never be the same. I was as long as a meter stick until a lawn mower runs through me and cuts me in two. One half of me stay while the other falls to the bottom of the earth screaming in pain. For this I am ungrateful I sit on the top of the world. I am a strand of hair nothing more and nothing less. I love to fly in the wind and hide in the winter. When winter ends I will still be on top of the world for all to see but won't be in my normal way until the summer ends. I will again be as long as a meter stick.

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